


23-1 ckeditor + elFinder


  1. 下載
  2. 解壓縮,將「ckeditor」、「elFinder」、「jquery」、「bootstrap3」、「upload」複製到 /class 底下
  3. /class/ck.php
    defined('WEB_URL') || die("WEB root path not defined");
    class CKEditor {
    	public $DirName;
    	public $ColName;
    	public $CustomConfigurationsPath;
    	public $ToolbarSet = "my";
    	public $Width = '100%';
    	public $Height = 300;
    	public $Value;
    	public $ContentsCss = array();
    	public $demopublickey = "";
    	public function __construct($DirName = "", $ColName = "", $Value = "") {
    		//$xoopsModuleConfig  = TadToolsXoopsModuleConfig();
    		$this->DirName = $DirName;
    		$this->ColName = $ColName;
    		$this->Value = $Value;
    		// if (!empty($xoopsModuleConfig['uploadcare_publickey'])) {
    		// 	$this->set_demopublickey($xoopsModuleConfig['uploadcare_publickey']);
    		// }
    	public function setCustomConfigurationsPath($path = "") {
    		$this->CustomConfigurationsPath = $path;
    	public function setToolbarSet($ToolbarSet = "") {
    		$this->ToolbarSet = $ToolbarSet;
    	public function setWidth($Width = "") {
    		$this->Width = $Width;
    	public function setHeight($Height = "") {
    		$this->Height = $Height;
    	public function setContentCss($ContentsCss = "") {
    		$this->ContentsCss[] = $ContentsCss;
    	public function set_demopublickey($demopublickey = "") {
    		$this->demopublickey = $demopublickey;
    	public function render() {
    		global $xoTheme;
    		$_SESSION['DirName'] = $this->DirName;
    		// before being fed to the textarea of CKEditor
    		$content = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $this->Value);
    		$content = str_replace('[', '&#91;', $content);
    		$other_css = '';
    		if ($this->ContentsCss) {
    			$other_css = ",'" . implode("','", $this->ContentsCss) . "'";
    		$editor = "
    				<script type='text/javascript' src='" . WEB_URL . "/class/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'></script>
                  <textarea name='{$this->ColName}' id='editor_{$this->ColName}' class='ckeditor_css'>{$content}</textarea>
                  <script type='text/javascript'>
                  CKEDITOR.replace('editor_{$this->ColName}' , {
                    skin : 'moono' ,
                    width : '{$this->Width}' ,
                    height : '{$this->Height}' ,
                    language : 'zh-TW' ,
                    toolbar : '{$this->ToolbarSet}' ,
                    contentsCss : ['" . WEB_URL . "/class/bootstrap3/css/bootstrap.css','" . WEB_URL . "/class/ckeditor/plugins/fontawesome/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css'{$other_css}],
    								extraPlugins: 'syntaxhighlight,oembed,eqneditor,imagerotate,fakeobjects,widget,lineutils,widgetbootstrap,widgettemplatemenu,pagebreak,fontawesome,codemirror,quicktable',
                    filebrowserBrowseUrl : '" . WEB_URL . "/class/elFinder/elfinder.php?type=file&mod_dir=" . $this->DirName . "',
                    filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : '" . WEB_URL . "/class/elFinder/elfinder.php?type=image&mod_dir=" . $this->DirName . "',
                    filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl : '" . WEB_URL . "/class/elFinder/elfinder.php?type=flash&mod_dir=" . $this->DirName . "',
                    filebrowserUploadUrl : '" . WEB_URL . "/class/upload.php?type=file&mod_dir=" . $this->DirName . "',
                    filebrowserImageUploadUrl : '" . WEB_URL . "/class/upload.php?type=image&mod_dir=" . $this->DirName . "',
                    filebrowserFlashUploadUrl : '" . WEB_URL . "/class/upload.php?type=flash&mod_dir=" . $this->DirName . "',
                    qtRows: 10, // Count of rows
                    qtColumns: 10, // Count of columns
                    qtBorder: '1', // Border of inserted table
                    qtWidth: '100%', // Width of inserted table
                    qtStyle: { 'border-collapse' : 'collapse' },
                    qtClass: 'table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed', // Class of table
                    qtCellPadding: '0', // Cell padding table
                    qtCellSpacing: '0', // Cell spacing table
                    qtPreviewBorder: '1px double black', // preview table border
                    qtPreviewSize: '15px', // Preview table cell size
                    qtPreviewBackground: '#c8def4' // preview table background (hover)
                  } );
                    <script>CKEDITOR.dtd.\$removeEmpty['span'] = false;</script>
    		return $editor;
    	$DirName = "prod";
    	mk_dir(WEB_PATH . "/uploads/{$DirName}");
    	mk_dir(WEB_PATH . "/uploads/{$DirName}/image");
    	mk_dir(WEB_PATH . "/uploads/{$DirName}/flash");
    	include_once WEB_PATH . "/class/ck.php";
    	$fck = new CKEditor($DirName, "content", $row['content']);
    	$row['content'] = $fck->render();


  4. /class/upload.php
    //此檔案是給 ck.php 用的,勿刪
    require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/head.php';
    include_once dirname(__FILE__)."/upload/class.upload.php";
    $mdir     = $_SESSION['DirName'];
    $path     = WEB_PATH . "/uploads/{$mdir}/{$_GET['type']}/";
    $url      = WEB_URL . "/uploads/{$mdir}/{$_GET['type']}/";
    $type_arr = array('image', 'file', 'flash');
    if (empty($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'])) {
        mkhtml(1, "", "error");
    $fn = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'];
    if (!in_array($_GET['type'], $type_arr)) {
        mkhtml(1, "", "error");
    $foo = new Upload($_FILES['upload']);
    if ($foo->uploaded) {
        // save uploaded image with no changes
        if ($foo->processed) {
            $msg = $url . $_FILES['upload']['name'];
            mkhtml($fn, $msg);
        } else {
            $msg = 'error : ' . $foo->error;
            mkhtml($fn, "", $msg);
    function mkhtml($fn, $fileurl, $message)
        $str = '<script type="text/javascript">window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' . $fn . ', \'' . $fileurl . '\', \'' . $message . '\');</script>';


  5. 將 /class/elFinder/  「$LANGCODE = str_replace("-", "_", _LANGCODE); 」替換成 「$LANGCODE = "zh_TW";」 
  6. 將 /class/elFinder/  「include_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('/modules/system/include/functions.php');」替換成 「」
  7. 將 /class/elFinder/ 「../../../mainfile.php」替換成 「../../head.php」
  8. 將 /class/elFinder/ 「$xoopsUser」替換成 「$_SESSION['isAdmin']」
  9. 將 /class/elFinder/  「$_SESSION['xoops_mod_name']」替換成 「$_SESSION['DirName']」
  10. 將 /class/elFinder/  「XOOPS_ROOT_PATH」替換成 「WEB_PATH」
  11. 將 /class/elFinder/  「XOOPS_URL」替換成 「WEB_URL」
  12. 將 /class/elFinder/  「/modules/tadtools」替換成 「/class」
  13. sqlConfig.php
    require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/sqlConfig.php';


  14. 完成下載 :請下載至專案目錄並解壓縮覆蓋